Dear participants
Inge's style ->
We shot together for Finnish Red Cross Ukraine donation €790. Thanks to
- Jack Wilkman from Ekenäs Bågskyttar archery club for lending us the skillfully handmade white.tailed deer ´Ruffe´and
- Esko Salminen for providing us with the special bows and arrows
Inge Suviste-Sirkel is the master of 3D Archery - look what a style she has - see the video
Marko Korhonen from Finnish Red Cross responsible for Ukraine operations thanks us with the following videos
Thank you all!
All the participant related important information is on the Menu under 'Participants and instructions' e.g.
- Corona virus instructions for arriving to Finland
- IFAA Equipment Inspection form, which we ask you to fill (2 pieces) before coming to bow-check
- Archers check-list
- Information about travelling by train from Helsinki Airport (or Helsinki) to Seinäjoki
- Shooting order: who shoots in which group and when
Under ´Program and schedule' is information about Opening Ceremony etc.
LyThe largest indoor hall competition in the history of FFAA will be on March 16-19, 2022 in Seinäjoki. We thank
- IFAA for accepting FFAA to organize EIAC 2022 in Finland, which is a great honor to us.
- EIAC team led by Pentti Kuivalainen, and Ostrobothnian archery clubs, ousi-Jussit, Kurikan Ryhti and Teuvan Jousiampujat
- FFAA delegate and EIAC22 support team
- Lynn Ellingworth and Udo Schriefers for their valuable feedback during the progress
- all the volunteers who have worked for the EIAC without counting hours
- Seinäjoki - the city of space
You have made the competition possible!
On behalf of all our member clubs FFAA
FFAA:n historian suurin sisähallikisa on 16.-19.3.2022 Seinäjoella. Kiitämme
- IFAA:ta suuresta kunniasta saada järjestää EIAC 2022 -kisat Suomessa
- Pentti Kuivalaisen ohjaamaa EIAC-tiimiä ja pohjanmaalaisia jäsenseurojemma Jousi-Jusseja, Kurikan Ryhtiä ja Teuvan Jousiampujjia
- FFAA:n delegaattia ja EIAC-tukiryhmää
- Lynn Ellingworthia ja Udo Schriefersia heidän avustaan
- kaikkia vapaaehtoisia, jotka ovat tunteja laskematta tehneet työtä kisojen eteen
- Seinäjoen kaupunkia - avaruuden pääkaupunkia
Te olette tehneet kisat mahdolliseksi!
Kaikkien jäsenseurojen puolesta FFAA