WBHC 2017, ilmoittautuminen alkaa 22 heinäkuuta 2016, Uutta infoa IFAA:n sihteeriltä, lue lisää
WBHC 2017
Ilmoittautuminen alkaa 22 heinäkuuta 2016. Osallistujamäärä rajattu.
Seuratkaa WBHC 2017 sivujen tiedotusta!
ilmoittautuminen nettisivuilla www.wbhc2017.com
Dear Delegates,
The following information for your urgent attention:
· Registration for the WBHC 2017 (Italy) will be open as from the 22nd of July 2016.
· There will be no limit to the registration of each member association.
· Registration is open to all IFAA member association archers on a “first come” basis.
· Registration will only be accepted and recorded on the registration list on the WBHC 2017 Web page after payment of the registration fee is received by the organisers.
· NO registration will be accepted without payment!
Please inform your association’ archers accordingly via your web page or applicable social media networks. You are advised not to wait with registration too long to avoid missing this event.
Yours in Archery,